Recruitment & Onboarding
Take additional care when recruiting from abroad.
Many companies should evaluate their current onboarding plans to see if they can be improved, and if they are suitable for the different types of talent which the company is recruiting.
The tips below are mostly for international recruitment but many points still apply for a person moving internally within Sweden, or a student that has lived their last few years primarily among other students. Making sure that a new employee gets comfortably acquainted both with the company, new colleagues and the city is essential.
Before they move (0-3 months before the move)
Is help with accommodation needed? Can you as an employer arrange accommodation, or can you advice on how to find a home? The Move to Umeå webpage has helpful information.
For someone who is moving to Sweden for the first time, inform about what to pack and what to expect from the move here. Especially think about winter-time in Umeå!
Sending “hello videos” from the current colleagues can be a good introduction and make them feel welcome.
Tips on where to learn Swedish, since it is good if the earning process starts as early on as possible. We at Gateway Umeå are also working on providing help with this.
Inform them about things you can do and see in Umeå, so that the employee doesn’t feel totally lost upon arrival. Tip them about Visit Umeå.
Give tips on different networks, Facebook groups etc that the employee can participate in, to get to know people. Know any associations they might be interested in?
Inform about Gateway Umeå and what information and service we can provide.
When moving here (first month)
Have one of the new recruit’s close colleagues become their “buddy” for the first few weeks. A person to give extra help and support, and that the employee can ask questions.
Let the chosen buddy pick up the new recruit at the airport and/or meet the employee before his/hers first job day, to show where the office is.
Let this “buddy” introduce the employee to all the other colleagues, and arrange a lunch/fika/afterwork the first week to more casual get to know people.
Have a good and extended onboarding together with the new employee, where you sit down and talk about the office culture and everything applicable to your organisation, but also to Sweden and Umeå and how things work around here. Show and introduce Gateway Umeå and Move to Umeå webpages as this will be the place the employee can search for information.
Have Gateway Umeås webpage visible and easy to find from your company’s own webpage and in your introduction package.
After they have arrived (month 1-3 in Umeå)
Continue to inform about both the organisation and Sweden/Umeå, since all that information from the first week can easily be forgotten.
Check that the employee has all needed Insurances, like; Home insurance, Life insurance, Health Insurance, Accidental Insurance, Pension, Employment insurance. Also, check that the employee is listed at Vårdcentral and dentist.
Book a follow-up meeting 2-3 months after the job have started, to see how the employee thrives and if there is anything missing etc.