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Summer job platform through Gateway Umeå

Do you want to reach out with summer job opportunities to students in Umeå?


The goal of the summer job platform is for more students at UMU and SLU to discover the job opportunities you offer, for more incoming students to discover the opportunity to work in Umeå during the summer, and for it to be easier for students to find and apply for summer jobs in Umeå. Participation in this pilot is completely voluntary and free of charge.

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What does the platform offer?

The platform gathers and displays summer job advertisements in Umeå. To handle the volume of ads, they will be automatically scraped from LinkedIn and published on the Gateway Umeå summer job platform. Students visiting the platform can view the ads, click through to the LinkedIn postings, and access the employers' application pages. They can also search on the platform and filter jobs based on categories. Neither employers nor students need to register as users to utilize the system.


To get your summer jobs on the platform, the following is required:

  1. Advertisements must be published on LinkedIn.

  2. Include the following in the ads: a. Specify Umeå as the geographical location. b. Include #gatewayumea2024 at the end of the ad text. c. Include the application deadline in the ad text. This is necessary for us to correctly display the expiration date for your jobs on our platform.

  3. Inform about who is responsible for your job listings. This is so we can contact you for any corrections or if questions arise.

Our commitments

Gateway Umeå is bringing in extra resources at launch to ensure that the tool operates as smoothly as possible, but it's important to underline that this is a pilot test. Unexpected challenges may arise along the way, and we cannot predict the extent of the workload or the final outcomes in terms of exposure to students. Although the scraping of advertisements is automated, we will need to continuously conduct quality assurance and potentially perform proofreading, as well as categorize the jobs.


However, we are committed to:

  • Promoting the platform to students, starting February 15, 2024. You as an employer are warmly welcome to share our material in your channels for wider dissemination!

  • Categorizing ads and specifying correct expiration dates provided that information has been provided to us.

  •  Conducting a final evaluation of traffic data and outcomes, which will be shared with you as an employer.

Further inquiries

General questions: Please contact Anna Molin.

Technical issues: Please contact Oscar Sedholm.

Questions & Answers

Why LinkedIn?

The tool we use for this (JBoard) can scrape all ads marked correctly in a web page's code. Platsbanken currently does not mark their ads in a way that search engines like Google or our JBoard platform can automatically pick them up. We also chose LinkedIn because it is currently an industry standard for job advertising.


We already have ads running. Can they still be included?

Yes, as long as you correct them according to the instructions above, they will be automatically scraped from LinkedIn once we have started the process.


What data do you collect, and can you share it with us?

We operate under GDPR regulations and Umeå Municipality's privacy policies, as well as the limitations of the JBoard platform. This means we can provide general data such as the number of jobs, the number of visitors, the number of job views, and the number of clicks on jobs. We will also collect data on how many students interact with our QR code physically on the campus area. We will not regularly share data but will make a selection in the evaluation at the end of spring.


Who owns the content on the platform?

The respective employers own their content on the platform in the form of copy, logo, and other details. However, we reserve the right to remove content that: a. May be perceived as offensive/inappropriate b. Contains illegal information c. Is irrelevant, e.g., by not being in Umeå or being expired d. Poses a security risk to the user


We no longer want our summer jobs on the platform; what should we do?

As long as the jobs do not have #gatewayumea2024, they will not be scraped. If you previously chose to participate and indicated the hashtag but now want to remove your jobs, contact us directly using the contact information above.


Aren't you competing with others when you do it this way?

No other party currently aggregates summer jobs in Umeå in one place. If another party steps forward and wishes to undertake this effort, we may reconsider the situation. Until then, this service is offered for free as part of Gateway Umeå's work under Umeå Municipality.

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